JD-USTC International Workshop on Data Driven Logistics & Supply Chain Management

 School of Management

 University of Science and Technology of China



 组织委员会  Organization Committee


 Yugang Yu 
 University of Science and Technology of China (国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才)

 Fuqiang Zhang
 Washington University in St. Louis (长江学者讲座教授)

 Xing Huang
 JD.com Group (京东物流华东区域分公司总经理)

主讲专家Keynote Speakers

 George Shanthikumar  Purdue University

 Lixin Tang  Northeastern University

 Haifeng Yang  JD.com Group

 Yossi Aviv  Tel Aviv University  

 Simai He  Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

 René de Koster  Erasmus University

 Yi Yang  Zhejiang University

报到须知  Resgistration


7月10日 14:00-18:00


 中国科学技术大学东校区管理科研楼一楼大厅(金寨路与黄山路交口进科大北门,左拐150米即到。联系人:陈晓峰 15705692907)




 1. 合肥新桥国际机场:离学校约35公里



 2. 合肥火车站:离学校约9公里,乘坐出租车约20元。

 3. 合肥火车南站:离学校约7公里,乘坐出租车约15元。

日程安排  Agenda

July 11, 2018 (Wednesday)

Session 1: 8:30-10:30    Host: Professor Fuqiang Zhang



开幕式  Opening Ceremony

Professor Yugang Yu from USTC



特邀主旨报告1  Keynote Speech 1

Professor George Shanthikumar from Purdue University



拍照  Photos



茶歇  Coffee Break

Session 2: 10:30-12:00    Host: Professor Jie Wu



 特邀主旨报告2  Keynote Speech 2

Professor Lixin Tang from Northeastern University



特邀主旨报告3  Keynote Speech 3

Mr. Haifeng Yang from JD.com Group

自助午餐  Buffet Lunch: 12:20-14:00  

Session 3: 14:00-15:30    Host: Dr. Jingui Xie



特邀主旨报告4  Keynote Speech 4

Professor Yossi Aviv from Tel Aviv University



特邀主旨报告5  Keynote Speech 5

Professor Simai He from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics



茶歇  Coffee Break

Session 4: 16:00-17:30    Host: Dr. Xiaolong Guo



特邀主旨报告6  Keynote Speech 6

Professor René de Koster from Erasmus University



特邀主旨报告7  Keynote Speech 7

Professor Yi Yang from Zhejiang University

注: 7.12日为闭门研讨,仅对校内人员开放。

Note: The seminars on July 12 are closed-door group sessions and only available for USTC students.

特邀主讲专家简介Keynote Speech

Professor George Shanthikumar, Purdue University

Professor Shanthikumar is Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management at Krannert School of Management. Purdue University. He joined the Krannert faculty in 2009. Prior to coming to Purdue, he was a Chancellor's Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests are in integrated interdisciplinary decision making, model uncertainty and learning, production systems modeling and analysis, queueing theory, reliability, scheduling, semiconductor yield management, simulation stochastic processes, and sustainable supply chain management. He has written or co-written more than 250 papers on these topics. He is a co-author (with John A. Buzacott) of the book Stochastic Models of Manufacturing Systems and a co-author (with Moshe Shaked) of the books Stochastic Orders and Their Applications and Stochastic Orders.

Professor Shanthikumar is currently the Department Editor of Big Data Analytics at Management Science. He was also a co-editor of Flexible Services & Manufacturing Journal and is (or was) a member of the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Sciences and Engineering, IISE Transactions, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Journal of the Production and Operations Management Society, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences, and Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications.

Professor Shanthikumar has extensively consulted for various companies, including Applied Materials (AMAT), Bellcore, IBM, KLA-Tencor, NTT (Japan), Intel, Intermolecular, ReelSolar, Safeway, and Southern Pacific. Through KLA-Tencor, he has worked on joint development projects for Advanced Micro Devices, IBM, Intel, LSI, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, and UMC.

Professor Lixin Tang, Northeastern University

唐立新,东北大学控制科学与工程国家重点一级学科博士生导师,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体负责人,高等学校“智能工业数据解析与优化”学科引智基地(111计划)负责人。现任东北大学党委常委、副校长。1988年获东北工学院工业自动化专业学士学位;1991年获东北工学院系统工程专业硕士学位;1996年获东北大学控制理论与应用专业博士学位;1991年3月至1999年5月,东北大学系统工程学科助教、讲师、副教授;1999年6月至今,东北大学系统工程学科教授;2015年11月至今,东北大学信息科学与工程学院院长;2017年9月至今,东北大学党委常委、副校长。主要研究方向为智能工厂全流程生产与物流计划、生产与物流批调度、智能工业数据解析与优化,整数与组合最优化、数据解析与机器学习、计算智能优化方法及在制造(钢铁、石化、有色)、物流、能源、资源系统中的工程应用。唐立新教授现为7个国际运筹管理与系统工程领域SCI著名期刊IISE Transactions、IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、Journal of Scheduling、International Journal of Production Research、Journal of the Operational Research Society副主编。兼任国务院学位委员会第七届控制科学与工程学科评议组成员,国家自然科学基金委专家评审组成员,中国运筹学会智能工业数据解析与优化专业委员会理事长。

 Mr. Haifeng Yang, JD.com Group



Haifeng Yang, jointed JD Group in 2010, and serves as the manager and General Manager of the book business department. Now he is the General Manager of the Value Supply Chain Department in JD Logistics Group. Haifeng Yang is responsible for the JD Logistics group's overall supply chain management and the openness of supply chain capacity to external businesses.

 Haifeng Yang has extensive experience in marketing and supply chain management, including online & offline, omni channel management. He also has over nine years’ experience in publishing industry, including People's Literature Publishing House, Amazon China, and so on.

Prof. Yossi Aviv, Tel Aviv University

Yossi Aviv is a Professor of Management at the Recanati Business School. He received his B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and M.Sc. degree in Operations Research and Systems Analysis from the Technion, Israel, in 1990 and 1993, respectively. He also holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science from Columbia University’s Graduate Business School.

Professor Aviv has held an academic position at the Olin Business School of Washington University in St. Louis, where he last served as the Dan Broida Professor of Operations and Manufacturing Management, and the Chair of the Operations and Manufacturing Management area.  

Professor Aviv develops and applies operations research models and methods to study problems related to supply chain management and revenue management. His research has focused on strategic inventory positioning in distribution networks, collaborative forecasting, and dynamic pricing. He has held several key editorial positions, among them being a Department Editor for Management Science.  

Professor Aviv has consulted in the defense, services, and electronics industries.  He has been teaching courses on quantitative decision modeling, operations management, and supply chain management, at the undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, and Ph.D. levels. He has also taught for INSEAD (Singapore), Fudan University (Shanghai), Stern School of Business (NYU), and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  

Professor Simai He, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Professor He is currently a professor of Department of Management Science, School of Information Management and Engineering, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He received his Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Management Science, City University of Hong Kong during 2010 to 2014.

His main research interests lies in the area of optimization theory and algorithms, game theory and supply chain management. Dr. He won the Gold Medal in the 33rd International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), and received the Young Scholar Award of the Operations Research Society of China in 2014. He has also received the “Eastern Scholar” Professor award in 2014.

Professor René de Koster, Erasmus University

René (M.) B.M. de Koster is a professor of logistics and operations management at the Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). After completing his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology (1988) he worked as a consultant. He joined Erasmus University in 1995. For eight years, Professor de Koster chaired RSM's Department of Management of Technology and Innovation.

Professor de Koster's research interests are warehousing, material handling, container terminal operations, behavioural operations and sustainable logistics. He is the author and editor of eight books and over 130 papers published in books and journals such as POM, JOM, TS, IIET, EJOR, and Interfaces.

He is in the editorial boards of eight academic journals, a fellow of two reseach schools, member of the European Logistics Association (ELA) R&D board, member of the BVL Scientific Advisory Board, the AIRL board of directors, member or chairman of three Dutch logistics awards, chairman of Stichting Logistica, and founder of the Material Handling Forum.

Professor de Koster is involved in teaching at RSM at all levels: bachelor, master, post-experience, and executive development. He also lectures at Université Catholique du Louvain (Belgium), Tias (NL), USTC Hefei (PRC), and the University of Pretoria (South Africa).

Professor Yi Yang, Zhejiang University

浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,数据驱动决策研究所所长,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,教育部青年长江学者。2011年毕业于香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系。主要研究方向包括库存管理、收益管理以及运营管理。在高水平国际期刊上发表论文十余篇,特别是在Operations Research、Manufacturing & Service Operations Management、Production and Operations Management等UT/Dallas24种经济管理类国际公认顶级期刊上发表学术论文多篇。承担多项国家及省部级课题,现担任中国运筹学会的英文期刊JORSC (Journal of the Operations Research Society of China)的Associate Editor、运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会理事、系统工程学会物流系统工程专业委员会理事、运筹学会智能工业数据解析与优化分会理事等工作。

 Yi Yang obtained his PhD degree from the Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In March 2012, he joined the Department of Management Science at Zhejiang University. His main research interests include inventory management, revenue management and operations management. He has published several papers in TOP journals, such as Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management, etc.